Workplace Culture and Gumball Machines

Corporate culture. I’ve got to admit, I get so excited when I see a company that has really embraced creating a positive workplace culture. I hear myself thinking things like “wow, I want to work here”, or “they are such a strong team”. This experience is definitely the exception and not the rule though – not enough business owners are intentional about planning (and then putting into practice) a positive workplace culture. Wouldn’t you rather be one of those companies that everyone wants to work for so you can attract the best talent? Of course you would!! 

Why am I thinking about this today? Well, I just returned from basically the greatest women’s conference ever – Rise, by Rachel Hollis, in Toronto (if you don’t know who Rachel Hollis is, do yourself a favor and look her up!). The Hollis Company (based in Austin, Texas) puts on this event a few times a year throughout North America, and women from all over come together for personal growth. The conference was amazing, but that’s a subject for another day. The Hollis Co was a perfect case study on workplace culture. From their dance parties (and music choices), to supporting each other, to delivering their message and mission with such positivity and grace, to just having some of the nicest people I’ve ever met, they just “get it”. They live and breathe a culture of support, growth and fun. Rachel is intentional about every single thing in her life, so it’s not by accident that their whole company follows her lead and “drinks the positivity kool-aid”. 

It’s not just their attitude and support for one another either. They did a live social media broadcast from their office a few days after the conference, and in their sitting room, I saw a large, bright gumball machine. Now gumball machines are not expensive, but are incredibly fun. Is your office cool enough for a gumball machine? Do you want it to be? Let me be clear that it doesn’t have to be about gumball machines (or foosball tables, or fancy coffee). Instead, it needs to be about your vision, and what works with your personality and your line of work. But, whatever it is, it needs to be intentional and has to create a work environment that lets your employees (and you!) thrive. 

Let’s talk about your workplace culture and how we can integrate it into your employee onboarding strategy. It’s never too late to make a change and have a positive impact on your workplace. Reach out if you’d like to chat!



We’re Erin and Peter, a husband and wife team passionate about making your organization successful through employee training and engagement. Join us as we explore new opportunities to improve your workplace.

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