Develop a new hire training guide to get your employees up to speed quickly and reduce their reliance on you!  

We know how it is – as a small business owner, you have too much on your plate, so you bring on new employees to lighten the load and grow your business.

The problem is that you always forget how much extra work it is to get a new employee up to speed. Especially now with labour shortages, you’re hiring people you never would have considered hiring in the past.

This requires a whole lot of extra hand-holding as you teach new employees about your business, your processes, and your expectations. All of this equals a lot of extra work and stress.

What if there was a better way?

What if you had a reusable new hire training manual that could act as a resource for your new team members so you could get them up to speed quickly?

What if you got everything they need to know out of your head and into a program so that your new employees could act consistently and in a way that reflects your vision for the business? (without asking you a hundred questions along the way?)

we can get you on track.

We’ve worked with plenty of large, Fortune 500 companies and small, local businesses to do just that. We’ve taken what we’ve learned in our twenty plus years in the industry and built a new hire training development framework specific to small business that we’d love to share with you!

There’s no such thing as being “too small” to have an employee onboarding plan.

With our support, you’ll develop a New Hire Training Guide that will:

  • Make onboarding new employees easier

  • Reduce the burden on you when new employees start

  • Get your employees contributing sooner

  • Ensure consistency amongst employees so your customers get excellent service no matter who they encounter

  • Help your new employees sell and upsell

Be the boss you always wanted to be!

We’ll hold your hand throughout the process as you develop a new hire training guide using our proven templates.

We’ll help you get training content out of your head and into the templates so that your new employees are set up for success. No more guilt for not being “available enough” for your new employees or leaving them on their own for too long.

We’ll have an hour and a half of one-on-one time together where we can go through your training material, create a training guide, answer your questions, and hold you accountable (so you actually get this done!).

The goal of all of this is to make employee onboarding easier for you!

It’s all about the ducks. Your ducks. Lining up.

What does 70% more productive mean in your industry? Thousands of extra dollars in revenue? More?

Research by Glassdoor found that organizations with strong employee onboarding processes improved productivity by over 70%. Think of this as a bonus reason to get your new hire training ducks in a row.

All of this for just $99!

Are you interested in working with us? Here’s how to get started:

1. Click the “Buy Now” button below to submit your payment.

2. After you submit your payment, you’ll receive your welcome packet and client agreement within 1 business day.

3. Once your agreement has been signed, you’ll be given access to your client prep work. The prep work won’t take long but will help us make the most of our session together.

4. When your prep work is complete, you’ll be given a link to schedule a 60 minute session with us. These are typically scheduled at 3pm Eastern on weekdays. Reach out of these timeslots don’t work for you.

5. We’ll have our session! During this session, we’ll work through the framework and get you on your way to developing a New Hire Training Guide.

6. A week after your session, we’ll have a 30 minute follow up where we can look at the progress you’ve made, answer your questions, and ensure that your New Hire Training Guide is ready for your next new team member.

Have questions? Email us.

— Upwork Client

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Nothing! Some businesses come to us with some training already in place; others are starting from scratch. The beauty of this program is that we can start at whichever point you’re at. You will need access to a few free online tools, but we can talk about that once we get started.

  • This program can be customized for anyone but is best suited to those in the service/repair/trade business. If that’s not you but you’re still interested, reach out!

  • You’ll create a written manual using our templates. That written manual may have media added (we’ll talk about that and what makes sense for your line of business.). The deliverable can be a Google Doc, a PDF, or something a little fancier. We’ll work on the content together and we can talk about the best way to present it to your new employees.

  • For some businesses, a specialized onboarding software makes sense. Based on my experience, smaller businesses don’t usually want to pay the monthly fee to access that software. By working with us, you’ll create your own new hire training guide that is 100% yours – with no extra costs or monthly fees. It will live in your own virtual filing system.

  • This written document isn’t the place for all of your HR policies. It’s meant to be a compilation of your how-to’s and your expectations so your new employees can contribute to your company as quickly as possible. You could always choose to integrate your HR policies if need be (after all, this document is yours and you can ultimately do whatever you want with it), but just note that HR policies are beyond our area of expertise so we won’t be able to help you much with that side of things. Employee training is our jam and where we can help most!

  • This is not a “done for you” product. The idea is that you write it yourself, with our expert help, using our framework. If you prefer to have us create this for you, please reach out!

  • We want you to be happy! If you’re not happy with our work together 30 days after your initial purchase date, we’ll refund your payment in full.

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Hi! I’m Erin.

My husband Peter and I own High Tide Learning Studio, an instructional design agency (in other words, we develop custom corporate training).

We are based in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada but serve clients all over the world.

I’m so excited to work with you and help ensure your employees are set up for success! Please reach out if you have any questions at all.


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