Find a Learning Management System (LMS) for your needs!

So, you need a Learning Management System (LMS) to manage your online courses. Great. There are hundreds, maybe thousands, of different LMS on the market. Litmos, Canvas, Teachable, Bridge, Think LMS… With such choice, how do you find an LMS that works for you? The biggest mistake I see is people asking others which LMS they use. It’s like saying that you’re feeling sick, and asking all of your social media friends which medicine they’re taking to fix their symptoms and assuming that the same medicine will fix your illness. It doesn’t work that way. Choosing an LMS is about YOUR needs, not someone else’s. What works for them probably won’t work for you. Instead, figure out exactly what you need and go from there. Here are some questions to be asking yourself to get started in your LMS search:

  • How many users will you need? Can these user licenses be recycled (for example, if you’re using the LMS just for one specific training program, will your users continue to need an account in the LMS after they finish this program, or can those licenses be recycled and used by new employees who haven’t taken the course)?

  • What’s your budget? You don’t necessarily need a top of the line, expensive option; there are plenty of reasonably priced options depending on your needs, but you need an understanding of your preferred price range. 

  • What do you need in terms of features and “bells and whistles”? Gamification (the ability to track points for potential rewards), visual appeal, ease of use, branding ability, LMS tech support, the ability to take payment, etc. 

  • How much time do you have to devote to setting up and administering the LMS?

The neat thing about working in the instructional design industry for more than a decade, particularly with freelance clients, is that I’ve used a lot of different LMS during that time. I can offer expertise and advice based on personal experience. I also have a virtual rolodex of contacts at various LMS companies to support your needs. I work with a handful of clients a year to help them identify the best LMS for their situation. Reach out if you’d like to chat about how we can support you in your search.  


We’re Erin and Peter, a husband and wife team passionate about making your organization successful through employee training and engagement. Join us as we explore new opportunities to improve your workplace.

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