So you want to launch an e-learning program for your team…

You’ve decided you want to work with someone to create online training or e-learning, but you don’t know what you need to get started. Here’s are the things that I typically discuss when I’m exploring potential projects with a client:

  • Content. Generally, the company provides the material that goes into the e-learning. This doesn’t have to be formal, organized or even well-written. I’ve worked with technical manuals, jot notes, PowerPoint slides, rough speaking notes, even conference videos. My job is to bring all of your content together so that it makes sense to your learner and present it through e-learning.

  • Content Expert. It generally helps to have a content expert available to the instructional designer to answer questions (generally a short call once a week, with possible email questions in between). In the industry, these people are often referred to as “subject matter experts”, or SMEs. Sometimes there are gaps in information, or points in the reference material that aren’t 100% clear. It helps to have someone who can answer questions about the material so the instructional designer can present it in the most effective way to your learner. I look at is as the instructional designer bringing the learning expertise and the company brining the content expertise. Together, we make the magic happen! 

  • Branding. You’ll want to share any fonts, colours, logos, graphics and photos that you’d like integrated into your e-learning. This will ensure that your training programs aligns with your other corporate material and truly feels like an extension of your company.

  • Learning Management System (LMS). An LMS is basically an online repository for your e-learning. While each LMS will have its own functionality and features, most will track learner progress and provide you with the ability to run reports. Most have a monthly subscription fee. I can help you find an LMS to meet your needs, but you can see some of the considerations involved in choosing an LMS in this blog post.

  • Administration. You need someone to be responsible for the LMS and training accuracy. This isn’t a full-time job by any means (and could easily be done by multiple people in your organization), but you’ll likely need someone to be responsible for adding new users, ensuring the training is kept up to date, and running reports on results. 

 If you would like to discuss the development of an e-learning program, reach out!


We’re Erin and Peter, a husband and wife team passionate about making your organization successful through employee training and engagement. Join us as we explore new opportunities to improve your workplace.

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