As a result of this audit, you will:

  • discover ways to improve your workforce productivity;

  • think about new ways to give your employees the tools and knowledge they need to succeed;

  • have clarity on next steps so you can turn your take-aways here into concrete action items.

The best part of this tool is that, subject to approval, we’re here to help you by discussing your answers and determining next steps. It’s not enough to identify where your workforce gaps are - you need to figure out what to do about them.

This audit is a good fit for you if:

  • you are willing to do an in-depth analysis of your current situation so you can identify opportunities and change the way you think about your workforce.

  • you have an hour to commit to answering the questions, and half an hour to discuss the opportunities for improvement.

  • you are willing and able to make changes to improve your workforce.

This is not a good fit for you if:

  • you aren’t willing to truthfully and completely answer the questions in the audit.

  • you have no intention of improving your workforce, no matter how clear the opportunities for improvement might be.

  • you aren’t willing to change.

Let’s get started! Choose a time to discuss your situation with us; make sure you have an hour set aside at least 24 hours before your appointment to answer the questions in the audit. We’ll be in touch to confirm.